Missing manual ?

Chris Dutchyn dutchyn at alberta.UUCP
Fri Jun 23 04:14:30 AEST 1989

if I got everything I should have.  In particular, I got four
	1. Owner's Manual (with GSS drivers)
	2. Getting Started
	3. Communications Management
	4. System Software (with all the disks)
But, everywhere the manuals say "look in AT&T UNIX(tm) PC UNIX System V
User's Manual" for information on just about everything.  In particular,
many of the unique utilities (ktune etc.) are not standard UNIX as I
know it, so I need that kind of info.  The question is: is this manual
supposed to have been included, or is it a separate (and separately
priced) object like the "extended editor" (vi) stuff?

				Christopher Dutchyn
				 dutchyn at alberta)

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