crontab Daemon-from-Hell

Arnold D. Robbins arnold at skeeve.UUCP
Tue Jun 6 22:58:17 AEST 1989

In article <8640 at> les at (Leslie Mikesell) writes:
>Not if you have a stock 3B1 without the development stuff, because
>you wouldn't have xargs.  I wonder who decided xargs was a development tool.

Probably the same bozo who decided that 'vi' was.

You really have to wonder sometimes about the people doing Unix at AT&T
(outside the research labs).
"Crack-pot societies of all kinds sprang up everwhere, advocating everything
from absolutism to anarchy. Queer cults arose, preaching free love, the
imminent end of the world, and many other departures from the norm of thought."
E.E. "Doc" Smith, Children of the Lens, 1954 | Arnold Robbins, skeeve!arnold

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