Wanted: 1/2 MB RAM expansion board for UNIX PC

Steven R. Houser srh at docwrk.UUCP
Fri Jun 23 23:19:17 AEST 1989

I would like to buy a used half-meg RAM board for my UNIX PC.  I would like
it to be in good condition, in the original box, with the manual.

Make an offer.  Please reply by E-mail.


Steven R. Houser    The Document Workshop | "Man is the only animal who
					  |  laughs--or needs to."
srh at docwrk.UUCP      CompuServe 71401,373 | 
uunet!osu-cis!n8emr!uncle!oink!docwrk!srh |                  Mark Twain

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