full screen on the UNIX-PC

J David Nichols ix194 at sdcc6.ucsd.EDU
Fri Jun 30 08:51:41 AEST 1989

I'm trying to port some programs to my UNIX-PC that were originally written
to run on dumb terminals, and have a couple of questions.

First, where does one adjust the PATH which the user agent uses to find
executable files ?  That is, I'd like to add /usr/local to this PATH, and
then be able to type FOO and have it executed /usr/local/FOO, just as
type `ls' executes that in a shell.

Secondly, how can I get a task to start up in a large, borderless window
(the sort of thing that looks like a regular terminal) without hacking
and the code itself.  I could explicitly open this sort of window and then
run the task in it, but it would be nicer if this could be done by
setting environmental variables in a shell script.

Thanks in advance

David Nichols

Please Email replies to dnichols at ucsd.edu
J. David Nichols
Internet	ix194 at sdcc6.ucsd.edu

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