HELP in "rn"

Alex M. Chan alexc at whizz.uucp
Wed Jun 7 08:17:43 AEST 1989

I am porting the "rn" package to an UNIX PC 7300 ( 3b1 ? ) and I have
managed to get Pnews running and "rn" only on the console end, but
not over the dial-in line. Could any one help ?
Here are some information.

error message :

devtty=-1, errno=16
cannot open /dev/tty

According to /usr/include/sys/errno.h

#define	EBUSY	16	/* Mount device busy			*/

processing running now :

   root     0     0255  Jun  1    ? 6657:28 swapper
   root     1     0  3  Jun  1    ?  6:07 init
   root     2     0  3  Jun  1    ?  3:29 pagedaemon
   root     3     0  3  Jun  1    ? 11:53 windaemon
   root 22814     1  3  Jun  5   w1  0:01 getty
    bbh 28626     1  3 09:58:32 000  0:08 ua
  alexc   150    62  3 15:00:51 ph1  0:04 ksh
   root    92     1  3  Jun  1   w5 14:56 smgr
     lp    75     1  3  Jun  1    ?  0:06 lpsched
   root    81     1  3  Jun  1   w3  3:11 ph
   root    87     1  3  Jun  1   w4  0:06 wmgr
   root    99     1  5  Jun  1    ? 18:42 phdaemon
  alexc    62     1  3 14:54:36 ph1  0:06 ksh
    bbh   276 28626  3 15:06:54 000  0:02 sh
    bbh   299   276 42 15:07:00 000  0:09 isql
    bbh   300   299 15 15:07:05 000  0:08 sqlexec
  alexc   201   150  3 15:01:30 ph1  0:05 vi
  alexc   301   201 61 15:07:43 ph1  0:02 ps
    adm   143   142  3 15:00:01  w5  0:00 sh
   root   142     1  3 15:00:01  w5  0:00 sh
    adm   144   143  3 15:00:02  w5  0:00 sh
    adm   147   144  3 15:00:06  w5  0:00 sleep

version of OS is 3.51a if this would help.
Any help would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Alex M. Chan. | E-Mail     : tanya!root at qiclab \ tanya!root at whizz \ alexc at whizz
/------------\| DISCLAIMER : The above stated is only my personal opinion,
| Beam me up Scotty......  | no way it represent my employer or my
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