UnixPc dissassembler

Alex S. Crain alex at umbc5.umbc.edu
Fri Jun 23 06:31:11 AEST 1989

	Note for people who sent me mail about the socket code: lightning hit
my workstation at school and until I get a new board from DEC my mail is 
sitting in the mailq on our hub machine. The result is that I won't get
any mail for a couple days, when I'll get lots. Please be patient.

	I applied a batch of fixes and enhancements to my hack of the unc
dissassembler thats been going around. God willing, I will never touch this
code again, but I figured that I'd offer it in its current state. The entire
dissassembler has been posted (in various forms) 3 times that I can remember 
over the last 2 years, so I'm only going to mail it to those who ask for it.

	In any case, heres what I've done to it:

		Better support for kernel symbol recognition.
		It works on loadable driver files.
		At Fords request, It prints addresses by each instruction.
		various bug fixes in the handleing of symbol lookups.
		I started on a man page :-)
		I reformatted the source to be more consistant.

If these features interest you, drop me a note. My workstation has a blown
board right now, but it's to be fixed soon, and I'll be sending stuff out 

#################################		:alex.
#Disclamer: Anyone who agrees   #    University of Maryland Baltimore County
#with me deserves what they get.#	alex at umbc3.umbc.edu
#################################	alex%nerwin.UUCP at umbc3.umbc.edu

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