X windows for the UNIXpc

Karl Botts kdb at chinet.chi.il.us
Tue Jun 6 14:41:33 AEST 1989

Incidentally, I noticed once while poking around in /etc/lddrv/unix.sym
on my 3b1 some symbols called "sock_this" and "sock_that" and...

heck, wait a minute, I'll go get 'em.

sock_wri = 0x1da80;
sock_write = 0x1da80;
sock_rea = 0x1da84;
sock_read = 0x1da84;
sock_ioc = 0x1da88;
sock_ioctl = 0x1da88;
sock_clo = 0x1da8c;
sock_close = 0x1da8c;
sock_sem = 0x1da90;
sock_sema = 0x1da90;

Does tnis mean anything to anybody?

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