Battery Upgrade, what is it ... (was Re: VarTech 7300 deal)

Bill Carpenter wjc at ho5cad.ATT.COM
Sun Jun 18 18:28:37 AEST 1989

In article <726 at> lenny at (Lenny Tropiano) writes:

> |>Also, "battery upgrade" was stamped on the carton
> Basically it can mean one of two things ... one, is that they replaced
> the dead (or presumeably dead) lithium battery that is soldered to the 
> motherboard.  Or if they did what I think they did, they replaced the solder
> connections with some sort of AA battery case that will make it easier

I have a 7300 that came in a carton stamped "battery upgraded".  When
I opened it up, I found that instead of a flat "coin" battery, there
was instead an axial-leaded thing about 3/4" long and 1/2" diameter.
No socket; soldered in place.  I don't know if "upgraded" means
"replaced" or if the axial battery is really somehow better (which I
guess could only mean it will last longer).
   Bill Carpenter         att!ho5cad!wjc  or  attmail!bill

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