Missing manual ?

Robert J. Granvin rjg at sialis.mn.org
Thu Jun 29 12:43:33 AEST 1989

In article <308 at swanhills.UUCP> dutchyn at alberta.UUCP (Chris Dutchyn) writes:
>if I got everything I should have.  In particular, I got four
>	1. Owner's Manual (with GSS drivers)
>	2. Getting Started
>	3. Communications Management
>	4. System Software (with all the disks)
>But, everywhere the manuals say "look in AT&T UNIX(tm) PC UNIX System V
>User's Manual" for information on just about everything.  In particular,
>many of the unique utilities (ktune etc.) are not standard UNIX as I
>know it, so I need that kind of info.  The question is: is this manual
>supposed to have been included, or is it a separate (and separately
>priced) object like the "extended editor" (vi) stuff?

So, did you buy the "Utilities" set?

The manuals you list are for the operating system, and the operating
system only.  The utilities include your (real) vi, cc, and all the 
other tools that make life worth living beyond the realm of a user.

If you bought that, you'll also receive:

	1. Programmers Guide
	2. User's Manual I and II
	3. Virtual Device Interface
and	4. Utilities (all the disks)

Since you didn't mention #4, my guess is that you didn't purchase the
set, and therefore you don't have any of the manuals.  If you did
purchase it, perhaps it's one of those cases where your vendor
installed the software for you.  In that case, they didn't send along
the manuals, and you should contact them.

If it was purchased used, well, caveat emptor and try your best.

(Of course, if you have it, and didn't pay for it, well, such is
life... :-)

________Robert J. Granvin________        INTERNET: rjg at sialis.mn.org
____National Computer Systems____          BITNET: rjg%sialis.mn.org at cs.umn.edu
__National Information Services__            UUCP: ...amdahl!bungia!sialis!rjg
 "I'll just go bang my head on a wall & figure out why I abuse myself so much"

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