I like AT&T "HELP" line. WAS Re: Another 19200 baud tip, and a question

20 James D. Corder isolated at alix.UUCP
Thu Jun 15 02:40:26 AEST 1989

In article <19421 at cup.portal.com> thad at cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
> ...
>I called the AT&T Hotline today (Monday, June 12) and after a very pleasant
>conversation with JoAnn concerning the problem with ``BREAK'' not being
>recognized by tty000 under 3.51, she gave me a "ticket number" and informed
>me to expect a return call momentarily.
>Talk about efficiency!  They already had my phone number, etc. from the
>warranty cards, and the person who called back within MINUTES is *ALSO* a
>UNIXPC owner/user.
> ...
>Thad Floryan [ thad at cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

	I have nothing but good things to say about AT&T's
UNIX/software/hardware support.  Granted, I do pay a lot for that
monthly support.  However, I think it is worth it when I need it!

	Most importantly, they do not make me feel dumb for calling
them.  Other paid support companies treat you like you should have
known that from thier incomplete manuals.

	Now, I only wish their sales department could be so willing
to sell you a system.

My $.02

James D. Corder
alix!jdc at cis.ohio-state.edu

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