Need a PostScript -> ( VDI | Epson printer ) program

J. Eric Townsend erict at flatline.UUCP
Sun Jun 11 05:10:30 AEST 1989

I'm tired of not being able to print PostScript programs from my Unix
box, so I'm looking for code that will either:

1. Convert PostScript to METAFILE and/or Virtual Device Interface
   compatible format, or

2. Print Legend 808 (Epson MX-80 compatible) bit-mapped graphics.

I'm running Sys V rel 0.0 (Unix-Pc release 3.0) Unix...

Grep sed "awk! man cut grep, edit banner false!  get help!"  Man disable
grep, split banner, join prof admin.  Grep mount eqn, find path.  Grep
echo spell.  False cat kill admin, man.  Grep find banner, make true message.
J. Eric Townsend-flatline!erict   EastEnders Maillist: eastender at flatline.UUCP

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