Funny Clock with Fsokay shutdown.

Rod Longhofer rl at sssphx.UUCP
Fri Jun 9 17:40:16 AEST 1989

I have added the nice :-> program for the replacement of the 3b1 normal
rc with Lenny Tropianco script's and programs, everything seems to work
fine other than, my clock looses 3 hours during the startup? I am running
ver. 3.5 unix, 72meg drive 2 meg ram.

Other subject i have been gone for 3 weeks, i want the conversion for
putting a second hard disk drive on my system! Also whats the state of
the SCSI port. I havent heard anything for the last 3 days.

Rod Longhofer		      rl at sssphx.UUCP | sssphx!rl at
work 602-961-1317      "DOS is a nice loader, for terminal emulation software."

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