What's this dirent.h nonsense?

Mark A. Hartman hartman at abacab.UUCP
Sun Mar 12 01:13:59 AEST 1989

In article <391 at flatline.UUCP>, erict at flatline.UUCP (Lemmy Caution) writes:
>AAUUUUUGGGGH..   What's dirent.h, and is there a pd package that
>does whatever dirent.h is supposed to help do?
>Is this something that can be fixed with 3.51 OS+DEV?

In article <7906 at chinet.chi.il.us>, dsueme at chinet.chi.il.us (dave sueme) writes:
> I am having the dirent.h probelm (with smail) with 3.51(a) and
> 3.51 dev set.

Dirent.h is part of Doug Gwyn's (gwyn at BRL.MIL) POSIX-compatible
directory-access routines.  They have been posted as part of several
packages, although maybe not in any of the unix-pc groups recently.

Send mail if you still need it, and I will send you the package.
Mark Hartman			{att,obdient}!abacab!hartman

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