Trouble with Unix PC internal modem

Bill Mayhew wtm at neoucom.UUCP
Wed Mar 15 22:09:08 AEST 1989

/etc/rc runs a 68K executable file named /etc/.modeminit.
.modeminit seems to do some magic to initialize the OBM.  It
doesn't seem to do any harm to run .modeminit as long as there
isn't any ongoing phone activity.  I just tried running it, and it
clicked some realy, but not the line relay as the click was softer
than the clanking sound the line realy makes on my machine.  The
ultimate test was that the OBM still worked afterword.

As usual, .modeminit doesn't seem to be documented; at least if it
is lurking in the manuals, it has eluded my search thus far.

Here is a strings of .modeminit:
Failed to open modem port.  Error return= %d
Answer Tone
2100 Hz Tone
Answer Tone
2100 Hz Tone
1800 Hz Guard Tone
1800 Hz Guard Tone
/etc/.modem file not found.
IOCTL Failed in setting the following parameter:%s
Error Returned = %d
@(#) 1.137 

  wtm at impulse.UUCP

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