SB-Prolog for hte unix-pc

Alex Crain alex at otter.uucp
Tue Mar 28 10:46:45 AEST 1989

	I finally mailed out my patches to SB-prolog for use with the 
unix-pc to the 6 or so people who asked for them. I may have forgotten 
someone, and at least one mail message bounced  to

	rml%uswest at

So, if you would like the files and did not get them, drop me a note with
an email address and I'll shoot them your way (No 2 week delay this time 

	BTW: my patches are for Version 2.2, but they're pretty general, and
should be pretty colse for earlier/later releases.

Alex Crain
Systems Programmer			alex at
Univ Md Baltimore County!nerwin!alex

Alex Crain
Systems Programmer			alex at
Univ Md Baltimore County!nerwin!alex

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