UNIX-PX Printer Setup

Peter H. Schmidt pschmidt at bbn.com
Sun Mar 19 13:54:24 AEST 1989

Re: the program that does the screen dump - I've been struggling to get
screen dumping working on my machine (I have a 3B1 w/ 2M/40M running 3.51),
and I have seen that pressing <Shift><Print> fires up the program

Screen dumping on my machine works fine if I have the default printer set
to Epson, but it produces no output if the default is Panasonic1091 - does
anyone have an (informed) idea of why this is the case?



Peter H. Schmidt	   | Strive for excellence in all that you do.
BBN Advanced Computers Inc.| Sweeping reforms cause more problems.  You can
10 Fawcett St.		   | make a difference - not a large one, but an
Cambridge, MA 02238	   | important one.  The golden rule is a recipe for
(617) 873-4311		   | oppression of its followers by the renegade few.

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