Trailblazer+ and ATT 3B1?

Steve Wampler sbw at naucse.UUCP
Fri Mar 24 23:37:44 AEST 1989

It looks as though I'm going to be getting a TB+ in a few days,
for use on a 3B1.  The primary function will be to talk to
another TB+ on another 3B1, but there is also a need to talk
at 2400 baud with a third (non-TB+) site.

Would some kind soul send me the TB settings for this situation?
Would some kind soul send me the 3B1 settings?  (e.g. how fast
to run the data port (tty000), etc.)

On a related note, I've been unable to complete a uucp mail xfer
from my 3B1 with 2400 baud SupraModem to the remote 3B1 with TB+.
I can (often) get the connection and start the xfer, but something
fails later (note: I do not have HDB uucp, and am running 3.5 UNIX).
Is this common?  Can I expect it to work when I have a TB+ at my
end?  I had to put in a 25second delay to get the connection, but
since I am (often) getting connected, I assume that that is not
a problem.

Any help/guidance/tips would be appreciated.  Please email me
if possible.
	Steve Wampler

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