Call monitoring by UNIXPC

Todd Day todd at ivucsb.UUCP
Tue Mar 14 03:02:55 AEST 1989

In article <3449 at> richard at uhccux.UUCP (Richard Foulk) writes:
~When I first played with the phone-manager stuff I found that if
~I connected my phone through the 'pc that if I had to shut it down
~for some reason, that the phone would not function.
~As long as power to the computer was off the phone would not ring,
~dial or anything -- it was completely dead.

Hmmmmm... that's funny.  With my UNIXPC, when the computer is off, the
handset relay is CLOSED.
-Todd Day-
Internet: todd%ivucsb.UUCP at
    UUCP: {pyramid, ucbvax}!ucsbcsl!nessus!ivucsb!todd
   Other: todd at ivucsb.UUCP may not work yet.

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