UNIX PC weird happenings on TV sitcom: _Anything but love_

Jan Harrington sysop at stech.UUCP
Thu Mar 30 04:52:52 AEST 1989

in article <647 at icus.islp.ny.us>, lenny at icus.islp.ny.us (Lenny Tropiano) says:
> After watching the TV sitcom tonight, Gil Kloepfer (gil at limbic) and I 
> noticed that the UNIX PC's on the desks of the reporters weren't even
> plugged in (look at the back).  The reporter was even typing away, and
> what even marvelled me more was the "amber screen" ... Hmmm, wonder what
> battery-powered, amber screen upgrade they got for those machines? :-)

The soap opera Days of Our Lives also has Unix PC's. They are definitely
plugged in and working. You can hear the characteristic sound of the
disk drive and you can see the little AT&T logo with the word Working
when the thing is busy...

Jan Harrington, sysop
Scholastech Telecommunications
husc6!stech!sysop or allegra!stech!sysop

	Miscellaneous profundidity:
		"No matter where you go, there you are..."
			Buckaroo Banzai

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