EMT trap on UNIXPC

Robert J. Granvin rjg at nis.mn.org
Tue Mar 14 04:01:15 AEST 1989

In article <582 at ivucsb.UUCP> todd at ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day) writes:
>I was doing a LOT of stuff simultaneously (downloading news, unbatching news,
>multiple windows, a compile, etc) when all of a sudden my machine locked up.
>It happened just as I wanted to spawn a new rn.

[ etc... ]

Please do the kindness of describing your configuration when
requesting assistance.  OS level and what type of software you are
running (in this case Vanilla vs. HDB UUCP, though one could guess :-)
as well as other possible items such as memory configuration and the
peripherals that are directly involved.  Info about the remote machine
could be useful too.

Many times a problem can be directly related to the OS version, or the
lack (or usage of :-) fixdisks.

       Robert J. Granvin            "BUGS: ps is unavailable (and is most
 National Information Services       needed) when the system is hung."
        rjg at nis.mn.org                       --MKS Toolkit manual

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