MSDOS Read/Write Utilities

Dave Hanna dave at dms3b1.UUCP
Tue Mar 21 21:43:53 AEST 1989

Are there any utilities available that will let you transfer files
to/from MSDOS disks without using the MSDOS Read/MSDOS Write menu
item in the FloppyDisk window?  That thing is horribly inconvenient
if you're transferring very much.

What I want is something that would take a list of files (e.g.,
*.[ch]) and copy them to the msdos disk, or transfer all the files
or those matching a pattern from the msdos disk to a directory,
either the current directory or a named one.

I'm doing file maintenance for a PC project on the 3b1, and this
transfering is about to drive me crazy.

Dave Hanna,  Infotouch Systems, Inc. |  "Do or do not -- There is no try"
P.O. Box 584, Bedford, TX 76095      |                        - Yoda
(214) 358-4534   (817) 540-1524      |
UUCP:  ...!killer!gtmvax!dave        |

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