Floating Point ... Again

Guy Harris guy at auspex.UUCP
Thu Mar 16 16:57:34 AEST 1989

>Not really fatal, if you have TWO 68000s. This was actually suggest by Motorola
>in an app. note, and IMPLEMENTED in the SUN-2 (or was it the SUN-1?).

Neither.  The original Sun-1s (not all caps, please; when used as the
name of the company or in product names, it's not an acronym) had a
68000, as I remember, and didn't run an OS that supported VM.  A Sun-1
could be upgraded to an '010 machine; the Sun-2's were all '010
machines.  The '010 machines didn't need that trick.

As I remember, Apollo and Masscomp *did* use the "two 68000s" trick.

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