3b1 - Need some help with VDI libs and mouse

J. Eric Townsend erict at flatline.UUCP
Tue Mar 21 14:14:55 AEST 1989


I'm tinkering around with the VDI_Library (finally :-), and I have some
questions about some things, mostly about how to use the mouse and
get input from it.

If you have a simple (or complex, I guess) program that uses the vdi_libs
and the 3b1/7300's mouse, could you email it to me?  Or, if you can 
explain it in simple terms, that would be just fine.

Am I the only person that bothers with VDI libs?  I have this fantasy
of writing new drivers for it, but I'd love to see if it's humanly possible
first. :-P

J. Eric Townsend |          Skate UNIX or die, segmented memory suckers!
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