John R. MacMillan john at hcr.UUCP
Sun Mar 12 07:50:51 AEST 1989

In article <576 at ivucsb.UUCP> todd at ivucsb.UUCP writes:
|Anyone get the recently posted CRISP editor to run on the
|UNIXPC?  Seems like it was made to run on PC boxes running
|UNIX.  I tried hacking at it, but got nowhere.

Well, I got it running without too much trouble on the UNIXpc and
somewhat more trouble on a SysV box with a variety of terminals
(vt100, v50, and even a vc4404).

For the unixpc I added a couple of lines to the Makefile (in the
included diffs) and went through the CRISP.Inst csh script by hand and
did a "make unixpc" when it does a "make whatever-your-system-is".  I
got a couple of warnings related to the type arg signal expects but it
still works.  Oh, and the Makefile diffs assume you have shcc (if you
want it send me some mail (plug, plug)). The included tty-unixpc.m file
works for me (although it's sure to change) with th following caveats:

1) I have Ford's keyboard driver, so I have a real META key which I
   used as the ALT key that CRISP wants
2) I have the basic line drawing font installed in slot one:
   - log in as root
   - "/etc/sfont /usr/lib/wfont/BLD.ft 1"
   (You'll probably want to do the above in an /etc/daemon script so
    it gets loaded when you reboot)
   - log out and in as yourself, set BTERM=unixpc (export it) and try
     out crisp
3) I defined F1-F8 as F1-F8 (not too surprising), but F9-F12 are

I've started looking through the CRISP manual, and I'm hopeful that it
may be much of what emacs is (easily customizable) but not all (huge).

Without further adieu:

---------------- Bend, fold, spindle and mutilate here ----------------
#  This is a shar file.  To extract, sh this file
#  Contents:
#	diffs
#	tty-unixpc.m
#  Wrapped by john at chance ; Sat Mar 11 13:18:09 EST 1989
if [ -f "diffs" ] ; then
	echo "shar: Will not overwrite existing file diffs"
	echo "shar: extracting diffs (456 characters)"
	sed 's/^X//' <<'BOP_BOP_A_LOO_WOP_BO_LOP_BAM_BOOM' > diffs
X*** Makefile.orig	Wed Mar  8 11:31:04 1989
X--- Makefile	Wed Mar  8 23:47:20 1989
X*** 263,268
X  ######### GNU CC compiler for me to play with.(1.28) ##########
X  gnu:
X  	$(MAKE) "CC=gcc -ansi -O"
X  cmac:
X--- 263,271 -----
X  ######### GNU CC compiler for me to play with.(1.28) ##########
X  gnu:
X  	$(MAKE) "CC=gcc -ansi -O"
X+ ######### AT&T UNIXpc ###############
X+ unixpc:
X  cmac:
	set -- `wc -c diffs`
	if [ "$1" != "456" ] ; then
		echo "shar: diffs unpacked with wrong size!"
	chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r diffs
if [ -f "tty-unixpc.m" ] ; then
	echo "shar: Will not overwrite existing file tty-unixpc.m"
	echo "shar: extracting tty-unixpc.m (3026 characters)"
	sed 's/^X//' <<'BOP_BOP_A_LOO_WOP_BO_LOP_BAM_BOOM' > tty-unixpc.m
X *                                                                  *
X *      CRISP - Custom Reduced Instruction Set Programmers Editor   *
X *                                                                  *
X *      (C) Paul Fox, 1989                                          *
X *      43, Jerome Close                Tel: +44 6284 4222          *
X *          Marlow                                                  *
X *           Bucks.                                                 *
X *              England SL7 1TX                                     *
X *                                                                  *
X *                                                                  *
X *    Please See COPYRIGHT notice.                                  *
X *                                                                  *
X ********************************************************************/
X;*		Terminal description file for AT&T UNIXpc console
X# include	"tty.h"
X(macro _init
X	(
X		;*
X		;*   Set characters used for extended graphics support when
X		;*   drawing windows.
X		;*
X		(set_term_characters
X				"\x1B[11ml\x1B[10m"		;* Top left of window.
X				"\x1B[11mk\x1B[10m"		;* Top right of window.
X				"\x1B[11mm\x1B[10m"		;* Bottom left of window.
X				"\x1B[11mj\x1B[10m"		;* Bottom right of window.
X				"\x1B[11mx\x1B[10m"		;* Vertical bar for window sides.
X				"\x1B[11mq\x1B[10m"		;* Top and bottom horizontal bar for window.
X				"\x1B[11mw\x1B[10m"		;* Top join.
X				"\x1B[11mv\x1B[10m"		;* Bottom join.
X				"\x1B[11mn\x1B[10m"		;* Window 4-way intersection.
X				"\x1B[11mt\x1B[10m"		;* Left hand join.
X				"\x1B[11mu\x1B[10m"		;* Right hand join.
X				)
X		;*
X		;*   Define escape sequences used for special optimisations on
X		;*   output.
X		;*
X		(set_term_features
X				NULL					;* Sequence to clear 'n' spaces.
X				NULL			;* Sequence to print characters with top
X												;* bit set.
X				NULL					;* Insert-mode cursor.
X				NULL					;* Overwrite-mode cursor.
X				NULL			;* Insert-mode cursor (on virtual space).
X				NULL				;* Overwrite-mode cursor (on virtual space).
X				NULL					;* Print ESCAPE character graphically.
X				NULL						;* Escape sequence to repeat last character.
X				TRUE							;* ESC [0m resets color.
X				FALSE							;* Terminal supports color.
X				"\x1B[%dC"					;* Move cursor %d columns
X												;* (Not available in termcap).
X				)
X		;*
X		;*   Define keyboard layout for non-ascii characters.
X		;*	  (These can only be used for the console).
X		;*
X		(set_term_keyboard 
X			F1-F12
X				(quote_list "\x1BOc" "\x1BOd" "\x1BOe" "\x1BOf" "\x1BOg"  
X					    "\x1BOh" "\x1BOi" "\x1BOj" "\x1BPi" "\x1BPj"
X					    "\x1BPk" "\x1BPl")
X				(quote_list 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
X					    235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244
X					    245 246 247 248 249 250)
X			ALT-0-9
X				(quote_list 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185)
X			COPY	"\ENd"
X			BACK-TAB "\x1B[Z"
X			)
X	)
	set -- `wc -c tty-unixpc.m`
	if [ "$1" != "3026" ] ; then
		echo "shar: tty-unixpc.m unpacked with wrong size!"
	chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r tty-unixpc.m
John R. MacMillan		Wasn't me she was foolin' 'cause she knew
HCR Corporation			what she was doin' when she told me how to
{utzoo,utcsri}!hcr!john		awk this way  --  Ahosmith

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