Kermit Problems

Bruce Jones co20w at sdcc7.ucsd.EDU
Thu Mar 23 05:29:19 AEST 1989

I have a Unix PC7300 and am running C-Kermit 4E(072) 24 Jan 89.
It is a royal pain.  The screen control is a problem.  I am coupled
on a LAN at 9600 baud but the screen display seems to run at about
the same as a 1200 baud connection.  The screen also is not "still",
but shimmys as though the power supply were going out.  I am pretty
sure that it is Kermit that causes this last problem because it
never happens when I am working locally, only when remote.  The
final problem is with file transfers.  When I send a file from a
remote machine to my PC I get the file, and it is all there without
any garbage, but something is sending characters to the remote
machine and, when I reconnect to the remote machine after the file
transfer I get screen after screen of error messages from the remote
kermit server.  This happens when I run a send/receive file transfer
or run the file server mode.  Many times it does me the additional
favor of logging me out on the remote machine.

Any suggestions?  Is there a better version of kermit that I can run
or is there other communications software available for this machine
that works better?




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