UNIX-PC questions

Wolf Paul wnp at killer.Dallas.TX.US
Sat May 13 08:50:05 AEST 1989

Since my previous query re: smgr has brought me several responses
to the question of how to get rid of the "Hard Disk Full" pop-up
(thanks, all!), but none at all to my other question, here it is

Is it possible to get rid of smgr, but to have another program
simply update a clock display on the top line of the screen (the one
usually used by the smgr clock display)?

And here are a few other questions, some of which have probably been
answered before, but I can't find the answers now that I need them:

1. What is the maximum hard disk size the standard 3b1 controller will

   If the answer is, "67MB", is there a way around this limit -- I 
   have seen references to a WD2010 chip -- what does it do, and where
   can one get it?

2. What is a cheap source for 3b1 serial boards?

3. How can one get the 3b1 (3.5) lp spooler to behave as described in
   the manual, i.e. to print the "Request id is ..." message, UNLESS
   invoked with the -s[ilent] option? My lp command is ALWAYS silent,
   and it is a nuisance to have to lpstat before cancelling a request.
   Also, within the interface script, $2 is supposed to be the name
   of the user who invoked lp. On 3b1-3.5, it is always lp. Are these
   known bugs, are they fixed in 3.51, and/or is there a 3.5 way
   around them?

4. Finally, I am still in the marked for complete docs to the 3.5 Develop-
   ment Set. I am willing to pay for these. I might also still need 
   3.5 Basic Set docs -- someone e-mailed me offering to send me
   these, but I have heard nothing since. Please let me know if you have
   either of these and are willing to sell them.


Wolf N. Paul * 3387 Sam Rayburn Run * Carrollton TX 75007 * (214) 306-9101
UUCP:   {texbell, killer, dalsqnt}!dcs!wnp
DOMAIN: wnp at killer.dallas.tx.us or wnp%dcs at texbell.swbt.com

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