problems with gcc - out of virtural memory

Kevin Darcy kevin at cfctech.UUCP
Sun Oct 29 08:27:45 AEST 1989

In article <1004 at kosman.UUCP> kevin at kosman.UUCP (Root) writes:
>In article <89 at venice.SEDD.TRW.COM> baur at venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Steven L. Baur) writes:
>>From article <1989Oct21.174252.16142 at>, by todd at (Todd Day):
>>> I was running gcc for the first time, compiling the latest version
>>> of NetHack.  ...
>>> So what is the problem?  Does gcc really hog that much memory?
>>I tried compiling nethack with gcc too, but ran into different problems.
>>I have a UNIXPC with 2.5MB of ram and a 62MB winchester.  It compiled and
>>linked (apparently) O.K.
>>However, when I tried to save/restore levels or arrive on a bones level it
>>I finally used stock cc and that got it running.
>The only trouble I had was the save/restore problem,
>which I tracked down to a crok in as(1)!!!  Seems that gcc in ANSI mode
>can put 'const' things in the text partition so that they're memory
>protected and shared, but as has a problem with this.  When gcc emits
>the 'space' pseudo-op in the text partition, as produces non-zero contents.

Why, oh why does everybody seem to be swarming to gcc to get NetHack running?
I have NetHack running without anything but the shipped cc, cpp, ccom, as &
ld. It takes just a little light tweaking of options and #includes. I'm not
trying to brag or be close-minded, I'm just curious why people would try to
implement a behemoth like NetHack on shaky PD ground, when it already treads
a fine line with the standard tools. (Make that "almost infinitesimal"
line in the case of stock cpp - is there any way of getting a more robust
version from AT&T?)

Of course, if there are some bona fide added long-term benefits to using the 
GNU stuff, please someone tell me what they are, how to get it easily without 
FTP access, I'll have a try at implementing it myself, then try and convince 
the NetHack development team that they can't live without supporting it...

kevin at cfctech.UUCP 			| Kevin Darcy, Asst. Unix Systems Admin.
kevin%cfctech.uucp at  | Chrysler Financial Corp.
...[mailrus!]sharkey!cfctech!kevin      | MIS, Technical Services
Voice: +1 313 948 4863                  | 27777 Franklin, Southfield, MI 48034

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