List of people interested in the HD2 board

Mark Horn sparkie at
Sun Oct 15 11:28:47 AEST 1989

In article <597 at uncle.UUCP>, jbm at uncle.UUCP (John B. Milton) writes:
>	The HD2 board for the AT&T UNIXpc/7300/3b1
>+ If you are not on the list, or are on the list and still interested, e-mail
>  current info, including mailing address and phone number(s). I'm sure some
>  of these e-mail addresses are bogus.
>John Bly Milton IV, jbm at uncle.UUCP, n8emr!uncle!jbm at
>(614) h:294-4823, w:785-1110; N8KSN, AMPR:; Don't FLAME, inform!

Sorry about posting this but my mail to:
	n8emr!uncle!jbm at 
gave me this:

>We have been unable to contact machine 'uncle' since you queued your job.
>	uncle!mail jbm   (Date 10/12)
>The job will be deleted in several days if the problem is not corrected.
>	Sincerely,
>	n8emr!uucp

Anyway, here's what I wanted to get to John Bly Milton IV...


I saw your post about the HD2 project.  I'm interested in getting my name on
that list!!  I have some questions, though.  What's this thing going to cost?
I have a wd2010 chip installed.  I know that as it is, I can't access more
than 8 hds, 1024 cyls unless I add some P5.1 PAL.  Will your HD2 project
and the fact that I've got a wd2010 chip already installed allow me to access
>8hds, 1024 cyls?  How hard is this motherboard mod?  The only thing that I've
done is replace the wd1010 chip with the wd2010 chip, will I be able to do
this?  What tools will I need?  

I have purchased and am using a seagate st251-1 on my 3b1 now.  I still have
the Miniscribe 20megger sitting around.  I'd like to use it as a second drive.
Please put me on your list for this thing!!

Here are the official stats:

Me:	  Mark J. Horn
US Mail:  123 N. Orchard #236
	  Madison, WI  53715
ARPA:	  madnix!harier!sparkie at,
UUCP:	  {harvard|rutgers|ucbvax}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!harier!sparkie
Phone:	  +1 608 264 3883

Would you please send confirmation to me, so that I know that you got my

- sparkie
p.s.	Please reply to one of the following addresses and NOT the one
	listed above.  Thanks!
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/ __\| . \/ . \| . \| |/ /|_|| _ |
\___\| __/|   || _ /|   < | || _[ 
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ARPA:	madnix!harier!sparkie at
UUCP:	...{harvard|rutgers|ucbvax}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!harier!sparkie
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/ __\| . \/ . \| . \| |/ /|_|| _ |
\___\| __/|   || _ /|   < | || _[  	sparkie at 
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