Two Questions

Richard Stueven gak at gakbox.Sun.COM
Fri Oct 27 05:35:14 AEST 1989

In article <126864 at sun.Eng.Sun.COM>, gak at gakbox.Sun.COM (I) write:
> ...
> I'm working on an application that uses INFORMIX 3.30.12 on my 3B1
> running 3.51.  I'm trying to relink "perform" by-the-book using this
> command:
> cc myperf.c -lperf -ldb -lm -o myperf
> but I get these two messages from "ld":
> Unresolved symbol localtim first referenced in /usr/lib/libperf.a
> Unresolved symbol sys_errl first referenced in /usr/lib/libperf.a

Bradley Smith said: "try cc -T".  The error messages are gone, but I
haven't tried running it yet.  Thanks, Bradley!

Still looking for a tape drive, though...



Richard Stueven       gak at       ...!attmail!rstueven
***These opinions belong to Ernie and his little pal Gus.***
              ***He's mad!  Mad, I tell you!***

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