line and circle generation

Tom Tkacik tkacik at rphroy.UUCP
Thu Oct 19 22:11:54 AEST 1989

For those of you out there who are trying to do line graphics on
the UnixPC, look no farther.  I have posted to unix-pc.sources
a moire program.  Both lines and circles (general shaped ellipses actually)
are used.  The code is hereby placed in the public domain, so that you
may put it in your own programs.

I would be interested if anybody can actually make use of it,
or if you find any bugs in the code.

Tom Tkacik		GM Research Labs,   Warren MI  48090
uunet!edsews!rphroy!megatron!tkacik		Work Ph: (313)986-1442
"If you can't stand the bugs, stay out of the roach-motel."  Ron Guilmette

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