News status report on video ram acces kit

Brian D. Botton botton at
Thu Sep 21 14:14:14 AEST 1989

Hi everyone,
  I just finised putting together the new test board and it's perfect.
After starting up Mgr I called the supplier and placed the order for the
PC boards, he thinks I'll get them by the end of next week.  Now for some
bad news.  The supplier of the pin sockets only shipped a few hundred, I had
ordered a couple of thousand, :-(.  So right now I have parts for only the first
5 boards.  They are supposed to have a new shipment "any day now", so I'm
going to keep hounding them until they get shipped.
  On another note, I'm glad to see that Bradley Smith is going to be using my
little board.  I also think it's a very good idea to have an alternative, i.e.,
the vidram driver.

     ...     ___	  _________
   _][_n_n___i_i ________ I       I		Brian D. Botton
  (____________I_I______I_I_______I		laidbak!botton  or
  /ooOOOO OOOOoo  oo oooo  oo   oo		laidbak!bilbo!brian

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