Floppy Drive on a 3B1 seems dead

louis.i.ingwersen lii at cbnewsd.ATT.COM
Tue Sep 12 10:57:48 AEST 1989

In article <4565 at ursa-major.SPDCC.COM> lj at spdcc.COM (Len Jacobs) writes:
>While performing a complete backup on my 3B1 (3.51, 67 MB, 2 megs),
>the floppy drive stopped recognizing my disks.
>Is there any known fix besides replacing the drive?  What models
>can be used as replacements?
I replaced my old 5 1/4" floppy drive with a TEAC FD-35FN 3 1/2"
800 K formated floppy disk.  It works pretty good for me.  You
just can't use the floppy disks with a data transfer speed of
500 K-bits/sec.  It must be 250 K-bits/sec. for a direct replacement.

				Lou Ingwersen IH-6K-330  ihlpf!lii
				AT&T Bell Laboratories

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