Submission for Unix-PC

bruce dietrich-campbell campbell at vx2.GBA.NYU.EDU
Thu Sep 14 10:24:19 AEST 1989


I've just had a problem running pcomm.  As far as I can recall it worked
just fine before I went on vacation.  Anyhow, I recompiled pcomm with
the -g option and found out that it was burping on a shmget() call.

Here's a little one-line test file:

#include	<sys/types.h>
#include	<sys/ipc.h>
#include	<sys/shm.h>

	shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 100, 0600 | IPC_CREAT);

And here's what happens (the same thing happens when running pcomm):

# cc -g tst.c
# ./a.out
Bad system call - core dumped
# sdb
Core file 'core' Bad System Call (12) at 
1 files, 1 procedures.
__shmsys: address 0x800fa
main()  [tst.c:7]

Line 7 of tst.c is the shmget() call.  Can anyone tell me what's happening?
My little 3b1 is running 3.51a.
Bruce Dietrich-Campbell  ARPA:   campbell at
                         USENET: ...!{uunet,rocky,harvard}!cmcl2!vx2!campbell

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