unix.pc (3B1) request for info

Andy-Krazy-Glew aglew at urbana.mcd.mot.com
Wed Sep 6 12:13:35 AEST 1989

I bought a UNIX PC in the fire sale (gosh, is that a few *years* ago
now?)  but, unlike all you skilled folks, never really played with it
much - the big machines at work (Gould and Motorola) were rather more
fun to play with. Besides, once you've gotten used to a big screen,
you don't ever want to go back.
    Oh, I know my machine works - I use it off-and-on, occasionally,
for quick midnight hacks, etc. - but I've lost touch with the latest
and greatest in 3B1 land.
    However, circumstances (a desire to return to the life of a grad
student) may soon remove my access to the machines at work --- and
computer access at my university is somewhat confining.
    So, I now return to the unix.pc newsgroups with a whole slew of

(1) Are the unix.pc* newsgroups archived anywhere?

(2) What is the latest and greatest on unix.pc software extensions?:

    a) Upgrading my OS:
    	    I have UNIX 3.51 (I think).
    	    Undoubtedly there have been bug fixes since.
    	    How do I get them?

    b) Customer Support
    	    AT&T seems to have forgotten I exist - can I get in touch
    	    with them to find out the latest "official" 3B1 software news?

    c) PD Software

    	i) GNU EMACS
    	    I got (and still use) the original GNU EMACS distribution
    	    from Brad ?? for my 3B1.  I'm sure it's been updated.
    	    Does standard GNU work OK? Anyone have a list of files to

    	ii) GNU CC
    	    Ditto - I'm sure this runs on the UNIX PC without too many
    	    workarounds now.  Is the standard distribution the place to go?

    	iii) wordprocessing, TeX
    	    Is there a CTeX around for the UNIX PC?
    	    Is there a PD approximation to nroff anywhere to be found?
    	    	(my "printer" is an RX-80 - not very sophisticated)

    	iv) document previewer

    	v) X
    	    Has anyone bothered to get X working on a 3B1?
    	    How about connected to an X terminal (serial link)?

    	vi) comm
    	    Anyone have alternatives to the default terminal and file transfer
    	    program? The terminal is pretty slow...  How about SLIP?

    	vii) uucp
    	    Is HDB still AT&T private? Any alternatives?

    d) Alternative OS
    	Has anyone ported XINU?  MINIX?  MACH?
    	Or any other almost-freely-accessible OS to the UNIX PC?

(3) What is the latest and greatest on unix.pc hardware extensions?:

    a) extra disks
    	    I heard that there is a "kit" for using more than 8 heads
    	    and all the tracks on a disk - plus something to let you have
    	    more than one disk. Can someone point me to it?
    	    	Given that, can someone point me to a good source for
    	    the actual disk?  I have 67M now, and basically want to buy as
    	    more space as I can afford.

    b) disk controllers
    	    I apparently just missed the WD2010 group buy.
    	    Can anyone tell me about it? Is anyone else interested?
    	    Any pointers to purchases in quantity 1?
    	    Exactly what does it get you (faster seeks?)

    c) SCSI
    	    Is there still a SCSI board for sale? Is it any cheaper than
    	    it used to be (2K$)?  Did any hobbyist homebrew his own?

    d) Backup
    	    Tapes?  EXAbytes? (off SCSI?)

    e) Processor upgrade
    	    Has anyone plugged in (daughterboard) a newer, faster, processor?
    	    Joe Hollinger was going to try a 68020 a while back - are you still
    	    around, Joe?  Anyone done a 68030?
    	    	The idea of using the 68030's MMU to get >4M processes is
    	    appealing - but that would have to run all around UNIX.

    f) Memory upgrades
    	    Are there any upgrades, eg. to get more memory on the motherboard?
    	    Offboard? Beyond 4M?

    g) Virtual Memory Upgrades
    	    As I remember it, the 3B1 is limited to 22 bits by its MMU.
    	    Has anyone gotten around this?
    	    	(If I want to do some of my research at home, I will
    	    *need* more than 4M of virtual address space per process).

    h) Laserprinter

    i) Display
    	    Anyone connected a larger display, with more bits?

I'd appreciate help with these, or any other, steps towards making my
3B1 my new home machine.

My priorities are getting PD software, and getting more disk space to
hold it on.  My constraint is lack of cash.

Andy "Krazy" Glew,  Motorola MCD,    	    	    aglew at urbana.mcd.mot.com
1101 E. University, Urbana, IL 61801, USA.          {uunet!,}uiucuxc!udc!aglew
My opinions are my own; I indicate my company only so that the reader
may account for any possible bias I may have towards our products.

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