PC-7300 On-board MODEM

Bob Gray bob at wink.UUCP
Sun Sep 3 15:24:13 AEST 1989

A few days back I posted an article indicating that I was having problems
with my unix-pc on-board modem.  The disk had been scrogged and I reloaded it
from fairly old backups.  After that the OBM would not work.  I discovered
with diagnostics that the modem seems fine and the dialer dials but does
not recognize when the line is ringing.  When it goes offhook, I hear no
dialtone.  Has anyone seen this before?  This whole mess started when we
had a power failure.  Without hardware docs I can't do much more than guess.

While I've got your attention...  Is it still possible to get some hardware
documentation on this machine?

One last one...  Is it possible for me to rip out the existing 5 1/4 floppy
and replace it with one of the higher density 5 1/4s?

I really appreciate any suggestions...

Bob Gray                                          
Email : hrshcx!wink!bob                            
Voice : 407-973-5054                              Boca Raton FL

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