vi missing commands on 3b1

Gary S. Trujillo gst at gnosys.UUCP
Sat Sep 16 10:25:19 AEST 1989

In article <3192 at cbnewsc.ATT.COM> psfales at cbnewsc.ATT.COM (Peter Fales) writes:
> In article <15580 at>, pusateri at (Thomas J. Pusateri) writes:
> > Does anyone know why ctrl-^ doesn't work with the unix-pc 3.51 version of vi?
> I believe the problem here is not vi, but the way that characters are mapped
> to the keyboard.  Holding down shift, control, and the "6" key does not
> send a ctrl-^ character...

Yeah.  Shift-ctrl-6 generates ESC-P-f (as does just ctrl-6).  However, you
can easily use vi's "map" command to cause ctrl-6 to do what you want:

	map ^[Pf :e #^M

I tried it and it worked just fine.

(You'll have to use ^V to enter the ctrl-6 and ^M characters into your ~/.exrc

Gary S. Trujillo			      {linus,bbn,m2c}!spdcc!gnosys!gst
Somerville, Massachusetts		      {ima,stech,wjh12,cdp}!gnosys!gst

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