cheap source for WD2010 + I want some info

Future Unix Gurus upl at
Thu Sep 28 07:56:06 AEST 1989


I just bought a WD2010 chip.  I read sometime back that changing "the 
steprate" will improve performance.  Well, I've installed this chip and
it's running fine, so far, but what about this improved performance thing?
What do I have to do to "change the steprate"?  Does this really deliver
that much of a performance increase?  If I change it, what do I have to do
to change it back, should I feel the need?

Oh, I suppose that I should tell you about my source. . . The place is called
Solid State Sales.  I found an add in Computer Shopper which says that they sell
(among other things) WD2010A chips.  Their price: $14.95!!(+10% shipping).
They won't take phone orders for anything under $20.00 so you'd have to mail
to them, anyway, here's their address:
	Solid State Sales 
	P.O. Box 74 
	Somerville, MA  02143
I have no affiliation with Solid State Sales.  They did deliver it pretty fast,
too.  I sent my order (from Madison, WI) on a Friday.  I got it on the following

Anyway, thanks in advance for the steprate info.
- sparkie
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ARPA:	madnix!harier!sparkie at
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