Scott Hazen Mueller scott at zorch.SF-Bay.ORG
Tue Sep 19 03:26:18 AEST 1989

[Please email to Reply-To: address above - \scott]

	I am interested in getting the GNU C compiler for my
	Unix PC... could you please send me more information?

	Thank you.

		Todd Foxford, 
		Dept. of Physics 
		Indiana Univ.
Scott Hazen Mueller| scott at zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
685 Balfour Drive  | (408) 298-6213   |Mail to fusion-request at zorch.SF-Bay.ORG
San Jose, CA 95111 |No room for quote.|for sci.physics.fusion digests via email

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