Gnuplot 1.10A (Polar)

John Campbell jdc at naucse.UUCP
Tue Sep 5 01:56:31 AEST 1989

------------------------- ANNOUNCEMENT -----------------------------

groups: comp.sys.att unix-pc.general unix-pc.sources

Subject: New version of GNUPLOT posted and available for FTP access.

A new version of GNUPLOT is now available.  It is being posted to
unix-pc.sources, comp.sys.att and may be posted to comp.sources.misc
(if the moderator approves.)

It is also available for FTP access from (
in /pub.  The files to get are gnuplot.shar.[1-6].Z  (Set FTP for binary
file transfers.)

This is a variant of version 1.10 gnuplot and not a new "official" gnu
release.  The variant has been labeled 1.10A (Polar).  It supports polar
coordinates, has a better IBM-PC interface using Turbo-C, a new help system,
more devices and other improvements.

For UNIX PC users, a patch to Lenny Tropiano's "sysinfo" program is also
being posted to unix-pc.sources and comp.sys.att.  It is also available at
the FTP address above.  This patch prevents sysinfo from overwriting the 2
bottom lines if they are being used by another program.  Gnuplot uses those
lines for the range information, the UA uses them for soft key labeling.

Note that only UNIX shar files are provided at this time (no ARC or
VMS-SHARE for PC or VMS users.)


	John Campbell               ...!arizona!naucse!jdc
                                    CAMPBELL at NAUVAX.bitnet
	unix?  Sure send me a dozen, all different colors.
	John Campbell               ...!arizona!naucse!jdc
                                    CAMPBELL at NAUVAX.bitnet
	unix?  Sure send me a dozen, all different colors.

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