UnixPC/3B1 tape drive sought

Arnold D. Robbins arnold at skeeve.UUCP
Sun Sep 17 14:02:35 AEST 1989

Does anyone have a tape drive (board, drive, case, software + doc) for
the UnixPC that they'd be willing to sell?  I do some work with a non-profit
organization that is using a 3B1 for all their stuff, and I'd like to buy
it for them for their backups, as I suspect floppies will be unwieldy.

If you have a tape you'd like to get rid of, please let me know.  I'll
pay freight even.

Arnold Robbins -- The Basement Computer		| Laundry increases
Internet: arnold at skeeve.ATL.GA.US		| exponentially in the
UUCP:	{ gatech, gladys, emory }!skeeve!arnold | number of children.
Bitnet:	Forget it. Get on a real network.	|    -- Miriam Hartholz

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