Rn won't work om modem port?

Roger Taranto roger at binky.uucp
Sat Sep 9 13:50:35 AEST 1989

In article <332 at lock60.UUCP> mhw at lock60.UUCP (Mark H. Weber) writes:
>    Rn works fine from the console, or from /dev/tty000. But when I log in
>through the modem port via /dev/ph1, I get a "Can't open /dev/tty" error
>message as soon as I start rn. Any hints?

In term.c, there is a line that looks like:
    devtty = open("/dev/tty",0);
You need to change it to:
    devtty = open("/dev/tty",O_RDWR);
(or, use 2 instead of O_RDWR)

Can we get this added to the frequently-asked-questions posting?

roger at binky.UUCP	...!{pacbell,ucbcad,rtech}!binky!roger

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