status report on video ram access kit and Mgr

J. Eric Townsend erict at flatline.UUCP
Mon Sep 18 06:46:22 AEST 1989

In article <1989Sep17.054555.14668 at> botton at (Brian D. Botton) writes:
>  Now, for something completely different.  Mgr is doing very well.  Brad has

Hey...  How will your video doohickey help out a possible X?  Anybody know
how this would help X-windows (server XOR client is fine for me... :-)?
"[On mars] there are canals, we believe, and water.  If there is water, there
is oxygen.  If oxygen, that means we can breathe."  -- VP Dan Quayle
J. Eric Townsend unet!sugar!flatline!erict com6 at
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