How do you check if ph0 is set to DATA?

Charles A. Sefranek cals at cals01.NEWPORT.RI.US
Thu Sep 14 12:01:37 AEST 1989

In article <4185 at ditka.UUCP> kls at ditka.UUCP (Karl Swartz) writes:
>I was under the (possibly misguided) impression that due to
>software bugs ph0 didn't work very well as a data line. 

Yup, you're misguided. I *only* use ph0, mostly as a DATA line.
It works great, has been for 2 yrs now.  Took some tuning up
though to find all the error possibilities and take care of them.

Use phtoggle to switch ph0 between DATA and VOICE.  Phtoggle comes
with the ua.  Use a program called phstat to check whether the line 
is currently set up as DATA or VOICE (or VOICE-ACTIVE, or RINGING, etc). 
Phstat was posted to the net a while back.  I suppose I could repost my
hacked up version of it if there's enough interest...

As I said above, an IMPORTANT part of this is the shell script needed
to coordinate the activity of phstat, phtoggle, and uucp (I don't have
HDB).  There are a number of obscure and subtle conditions that will cause
errors if you don't check for them and handle them properly.  Email me
for more info, I can post if there's enough interest...

 Charlie Sefranek	cals at cals01.NEWPORT.RI.US
UUCP: {rayssd,xanth,lazlo,mirror}!galaxia!cals01!cals
Alt.: c4s at {sun,decuac,gatech,necntc,ukma}!rayssd!rayssdb!c4s

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