Floppy Drive on a 3B1 seems dead

John Higdon john at zygot.ati.com
Tue Sep 12 04:42:59 AEST 1989

In article <4565 at ursa-major.SPDCC.COM>, lj at spdcc.COM (Len Jacobs) writes:
> Is there any known fix besides replacing the drive?  What models
> can be used as replacements?

The drive appears to be a standard, vanilla DSDD-type drive that would
be used in an IBM PC/XT (360K). You can pick one up for about $70.
That's what mine cost. You might check the cables first.
        John Higdon         |   P. O. Box 7648   |   +1 408 723 1395
    john at zygot.ati.com      | San Jose, CA 95150 |       M o o !

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