help on The STORE!

joy.m.grosekemper joi at cbnewsc.ATT.COM
Fri Sep 1 04:40:10 AEST 1989

In article <2925 at> upl at (Future Unix Gurus) writes:
>Greetings and salutations!
>a place called The STORE!  I'm interested in any and all information
>that I can get about this place: Where is it?(phone bill purposes)
>What are the procedures for using it?  Who can use it?  Is it accessable
>via UUCP?  Is it accessable via 1200baud connect?

I was told that The STORE! was now defunct.  Is it?

>so please e-mail responses to me.

There have been several questions about The STORE! lately.  Please POST
responses since I think there are several of us out here wondering ...


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