Where THE STORE! went....what packages are available

John Opalko, N7KBT jgo at mcgp1.UUCP
Thu Feb 8 12:27:51 AEST 1990

In article <296 at mtune.ATT.COM> jrw at mtune.ATT.COM (Jim Webb) writes:
>	As people have found out, THE STORE! has closed.  An end of
>an era and all that :-)  In any case, the following packages can be
>released to the world, but, please, I do not want any flames telling me
>that HDB is not listed!  What is listed here is what I have been told
>can be released.  I open the floor for suggestions on their distribution.

1. How about anonymous UUCP?

2. How about if those of us with tape drives send you formatted cartridges
   and you fill them up and send them back?  Then we open up our machines
   for anonymous UUCP.

3. How about a source-of-the-month club where you post one piece of source
   a month?  This will spread the load on the network over time.  Perhaps
   we can run a survey on which programs we'd like to see and you post the
   most popular ones first.

				Just a thought (three, actually),

				at work:    jgo at mcgp1.UUCP
				real life:  john at n7kbt.WA.COM

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