For Sale: Unix PC Docs and stuff ...

Jim Gottlieb jimmy at
Sat Feb 3 21:56:04 AEST 1990

In article <8646 at portia.Stanford.EDU> jeff at portia.Stanford.EDU (Jeff McDonald) writes:
>My Unix-PC was stolen several months ago :-(.
>Besides they are probably
>pissed off that what the stole did not end up being an IBM PC !!!

Our burglars were smarter.  Our San Diego office was broken into
several months back.  They took the usual stuff, but left the 3B1
(after having turned it over to try to figure out what it was) and an
IBM XT.  The XT was on the floor, not even hooked up.  I guess they
wanted 286/386 class machines :-).

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