PC7300/3B1 default timezone

Rick Kimball rick at kimbal.lynn.ma.us
Sat Feb 3 08:51:14 AEST 1990

>From article <492 at cpsolv.CPS.COM>, by rhg at cpsolv.CPS.COM (Richard H. Gumpertz):
> How can I get uucico logins to run with timezone CST (or CDT when
> appropriate) instead of EST?  My Received: lines (added by rmail/smail) and

I set my TZ variable in the file "/etc/rc".

in file /etc/rc:

TZ=`cat /etc/TZ`;export TZ

in file /etc/TZ:


Rick Kimball      |  INTERNET: rick at kimbal.lynn.ma.us
                  |      UUCP: ...!spdcc!kimbal!rick, ...!spt!kimbal!rick
Lynn Brew Supply  |      POTS: (617) 599-8864

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