Installing FIXDISK (was Re: UNIXpc Fixdisk 2 to appear...)

Lenny Tropiano lenny at
Thu Feb 1 05:30:37 AEST 1990

In article <19926 at ditka.UUCP> kls at ditka.UUCP (Karl Swartz) writes:
|>In article <1074 at> lenny at I write:
|>>Trust me folks, the FIXDISK2.0+IN that appears in the osu-cis archives is
|>>fine.  It was send to me from the person at AT&T pretty much reponsible for
|>>the majority of the fixes (at least the kernel ones).
|>Lenny, was this the early release we both got in early December?  If
|>so, it may not be exactly the same as the floppy version coming from
|>the Hotline.  It may only be a minor difference, but somebody said
Nope, I got mine from uucp (directly from AT&T) 3.51m, 3 days after it
was released.  It's the official one.

|>and not replace uucico.  The pre-release we got (well, the one I got)
|>quite happily nuked my HDB uucico.
I would have preferred the *option* to install a "fix" but at least it was
_smart_ enough to save the old in file.OLD.   For the most part I installed
it by hand ... forget the UA.

| Lenny Tropiano            ICUS Software Systems      lenny at |
| {ames,pacbell,decuac,hombre,sbcs,attctc}!icus!lenny     attmail!icus!lenny |
+------- ICUS Software Systems -- PO Box 1;  Islip Terrace, NY  11752 -------+

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