99 pin connector - a second group buy?

Ron Wilson rlw at ttardis.UUCP
Tue Feb 6 01:26:26 AEST 1990

In article <1517 at shade.UUCP>, steveb at shade.UUCP (Steve Barber) writes:
>I'm trying to get my hands on some of the 99 pin connectors
>used to build expansion cards for the UNIX PC bus.  I've been
>corresponding with Merv Graham, who organized the first group
>buy, and find that he's all out of them.
>That leaves me two choices:
>(1) Find someone who got one or two and doesn't want/need them
>(2) Get together another 20 orders for another buy.
>Anyone whole falls under category (1) above, PLEASE send me some

Likewise, please send me mail.

Otherwise, let's try a group purchase - I need one; would like 2.

- Ron Wilson
rlw at ttardis

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